As fate would have it, Mel Brooks’ 1987 classic parody, “Spaceballs",” provides the perfect framing device to describe this week’s Telogical Talk: a quick dive into the Internet speed arms race.
As advertised speeds have risen, so have internet service prices. Pricing data collected by Telogical from 30 representative U.S. markets over the past five years reflect a slow, but steady ratcheting-up of the median advertised price of broadband service.
Unlike other sports leagues that have created consumer-centric streaming offerings, the NFL has remained firmly on the sidelines of the direct-to-consumer OTT trend, choosing instead of collect billions of licensing dollars from CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN, for rights to its regional and nationally-televised games. But that’s changing…
Who wants you back? The Jackson 5 and every D2C video service provider that you ever tried. And they won’t stop emailing you until you give them one more chance.
Like the Bat Signal lighting up the night sky over Gotham City, Spectrum recently unveiled a $14.99 beacon price for Internet service. But the way the company did it may raise some eyebrows.
A side-by-side channel comparison of WatchTV against its nearest "skinny bundle" vMVPD competition—Sling TV Orange and Philo—reveals the shared elements of those lineups (no broadcast channels) and notable differences (e.g. Sling includes some sports programming.) The channel lineup, however, is not what makes WatchTV unique in a competitive marketplace of traditional and streaming video providers.